1 Alice Avenue, Orewa Fully tenanted, three-level commercial building in the heart of Orewa.
TweetAvailable PropertyFiles:
- /1. Council LIM/
- LIM - 1 Alice Avenue, Orewa.pdf
- /2. Council Property File/
- 190408_HPL_Illuminati Tattoo_0000714217..pdf
- 9003381 - Water Declaration (Low Use) - 9003381.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - AC1174 Building Consent Schedule of Conditions - 01389053.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - AC2002 Code Compliance Certificate - 01412095.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - AC2003 Building Consent - 01389054.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - ADVICE OF REFUND LETTER - 01412103.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Application - ABA 1009293 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Application accepted for Processing - 01380688.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Correspondence - ABA 1009293 CORRES.tif.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Debtor Adjustment Form - Building - 01412089.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 1009293 DECISN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Failing to uplift BC - 1st letter - 01389096.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - General Building Fax - 01384508.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Monitoring, inspections - ABA 1009293 MONITOR.tif.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Plan(s) - ABA 1009293 PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1009293 SPECS.tif.pdf
- ABA-1009293 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 1009293 NOTES.tif.pdf
- ABA-1013294 - Application - ABA 1013294 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-1013294 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 1013294 DECISN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1013294 - Exemption 2 of schedule 1 granted - 01658425.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1013294 - Plan(s) - ABA 1013294 PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-982190 - Application - ABA 982190 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-982190 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 982190 DECISN.tif.pdf
- ABA-982190 - Informing About Inspection For CCC On Commercial B - 01012417.DOC.pdf
- ABA-982190 - Plan(s) - ABA 982190 PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-982190 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 982190 SPECS.tif.pdf
- ABA-982190 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 982190 NOTES.tif.pdf
- Amended CS WOF20040839.pdf.pdf
- BPA-165881 - Application - BPA 165881 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- BPA-165881 - Plan(s) - BPA 165881 PLAN.tif.pdf
- BPA-4620 - Application - BPA 4620 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- BPA-4620 - Plan(s) - BPA 4620 PLAN.tif.pdf
- BPA-50845 - Application - BPA 50845 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- BPA-50845 - Plan(s) - BPA 50845 PLAN.tif.pdf
- BPA-66001 - Application - BPA 66001 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- BPA-7014 - Application - BPA 7014 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- BPA-7014 - Plan(s) - BPA 7014 PLAN.tif.pdf
- BPA-92039 - Application - BPA 92039 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- BPA-92039 - Plan(s) - BPA 92039 PLAN.tif.pdf
- BPA-93500 - Application - BPA 93500 BPK93500 Application Vol 1.tif.pdf
- BPA-93500 - Application - BPA 93500 BPK93500 Application Vol 2.tif.pdf
- BPA-93500 - As-built plan(s) - BPA 93500 BPK93500 Asbuilt.tif.pdf
- BPA-93500 - Plan(s) - BPA 93500 BPK93500 Plans.tif.pdf
- CATB_140 - Annual Licence for Consent - 00851727.DOC.pdf
- CATB_140 - Annual Licence for Consent - 01078941.DOC.pdf
- CATB_140 - Application Pack Acknowledgement - 00627141.DOC.pdf
- CATB_140 - Consent - Food Premises - 00627296.DOC.pdf
- CATB_140 - Consent - Food Premises - 01315934.DOC.pdf
- CATB_140 - Consent Renewed Letter - 01315929.DOC.pdf
- CATB_140 - Licencing Renewal Form & Invoice - 00844639.DOC.pdf
- CATB_140 - Licencing Renewal Form & Invoice - 01060654.DOC.pdf
- CATB_140 - Licencing Renewal Form & Invoice - 01300633.DOC.pdf
- EXE21370174 - Preapp Meeting minutes.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174 - Scope of building work.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174 - application form.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174 - form 11 process.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174 - plans.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174 BackflowTestCert.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174 FlueCert.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174 GasPS3Certificate.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174 plumbing PS3.pdf.pdf
- EXE21370174-Exemption 2 of Schedule 1 gr.pdf
- FPR-80179 - Certificate - Food Premise - 00235003.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80179 - Certificate - Food Premise - 00405314.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80179 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 00348644.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80179 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 00576920.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80179 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 00397270.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80179 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 00625250.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Application - HLT 80419 APPLIC Vol 1.tif.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Application - HLT 80419 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Certificate - Food Premise - 00411015.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Certificate - Food Premise - 00630961.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Certificate - Food Premise - 00867100.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Certificate - Food Premise - 01087947.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Certificate - Food Premise - 01325210.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Certificate - Food Premise - 01477580.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Decisions, conditions, notices - HLT 80419 DECISN Vol 1.tif.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Decisions, conditions, notices - HLT 80419 DECISN.tif.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Assessment Report - 01024122.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Assessment Report - 01276910.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Assessment Report - 01441738.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Assessment Report - 01593542.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Grading Certificate - 01628533.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Grading Certificate - 01778393.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Grading Certificate - 01943511.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Grading Certificate - 02136718.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 00377423.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 00612453.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 00843146.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 01026716.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 01291053.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 01447229.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 01609280.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 00397234.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 00625215.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 00861178.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 01080553.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 01317683.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 01470827.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Monitoring, inspections - HLT 80419 MONITOR.tif.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Renewal Letter for Certificate of Registration - 01624203.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Renewal Reminder letter for Food Premises - 01772636.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Renewal Reminder letter for Food Premises - 01937471.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80419 - Renewal Reminder letter for Food Premises - 02125694.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - 1st Reminder Letter - 01802947.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - 1st Reminder Letter - 01956005.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - 2nd Reminder Letter - 01818645.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - 2nd Reminder Letter - 01981401.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Certificate - Food Premise - 01419219.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Certificate - Stand or Stall - 01490211.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Assessment Report - 01418528.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Assessment Report - 01470978.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Assessment Report - 01625325.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Assessment Report - 01636468.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Grading Certificate - 01639534.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Grading Certificate - 01639545.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Grading Certificate - 01639557.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Grading Certificate - 01830688.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Grading Certificate - 01839799.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 01419267.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 01474121.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 01625442.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 01639544.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 01470400.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Renewal Letter for Certificate of Registration - 01624138.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Renewal Reminder letter for Food Premises - 01772579.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Renewal Reminder letter for Food Premises - 01937420.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81431 - Transfer of Ownership of Food Premise Registration - 01629585.DOC.pdf
- FPR-81911 - Application - HLT 81911 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- HDR-91234 - 1st Reminder Letter - 01495643.DOC.pdf
- HDR-91234 - 2nd Reminder Letter - 01510789.DOC.pdf
- HDR-91234 - Certificate - Hair Dresser - 01335994.DOC.pdf
- HDR-91234 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 01466985.DOC.pdf
- LIQ-145 - AC2026 Alcohol licensing building certificate - 01744202.DOC.pdf
- LIQ-60354 - General Letter - 01746440.DOC.pdf
- LIQ-60354 - Liquor Assessment - 01746439.DOC.pdf
- LIQ-60354 - Liquor Assessment - 01748883.DOC.pdf
- LIQ-60354 - Liquor Licence Renewal Application - 01748879.DOC.pdf
- ONO-13058 - Application For Renewal On_Off Club Licence - 00494069.DOC.pdf
- ONO-13058 - Application For Renewal On_Off Club Licence - 01196671.DOC.pdf
- ONO-13058 - Certificate - Renewal On_Off Club Licence - 00582086.DOC.pdf
- ONO-13058 - Ministry Of Health Letter - 00247108.DOC.pdf
- ONO-13058 - Ministry Of Health Letter - 00501444.DOC.pdf
- ONO-13058 - Police Letter Orewa - 00247107.DOC.pdf
- ONO-13058 - Police Letter Orewa - 00501443.DOC.pdf
- WOF20040839 - 1 Alice Avenue Orewa 0931, 19 Florence Avenue Orewa 0931, 15 Accepted .pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839 - 1 Alice Avenue, Orewa, Auckland.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839 - BWOF Original 2019.pdf
- WOF20040839 - BWOF.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839 - Email Submission.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839 - Form 12.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839 1 Alice Avenue Orewa 0931.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839 Corres.pdf
- WOF20040839 Email Submission.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839 F11.pdf
- WOF20040839 Form 12 Issued 2017 Complian.pdf
- WOF20040839 Form 12 Issued 2018 Complian.pdf
- WOF20040839 Lodgement 2021.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1405 BWOF 1st Reminder 2.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1405 BWOF 1st Reminder.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1405 BWOF 1st Reminder.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1406 BWOF 2nd Reminder 2.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1406 BWOF 2nd Reminder.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1406 BWOF 2nd Reminder.pdf.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1407 BWoF 3rd reminder 2.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1407 BWoF 3rd reminder.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1408 BWOF 4th Reminder.pdf
- WOF20040839-AC1408 BWOF 4th Reminder.pdf.pdf
- WOF_3042 - AC1419 compliance schedule general template - 00789577.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - AC1419 compliance schedule general template - 01913976.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - AC1419 compliance schedule general template - 02077190.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - AC2004 Compliance Schedule - 00811142.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - AC2004 Compliance Schedule - 01275613.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - BWOF Expired - 2nd Letter - 01906562.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - BWOF Expired - 3rd Letter - 01913400.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Compliance Schedule Amendment - 01603149.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Expired Building WOF - 00313796.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Expired Building WOF - 00530480.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Expired Building WOF - 00769392.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Expired Building WOF - 01240117.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Expired Building WOF - 01898571.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Monitoring, inspections - WOF 3042 MONITOR.tif.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 00295257.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 00512206.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 00716745.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 00989993.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01223519.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01408195.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01560346.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01712147.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01894676.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 02053351.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3042 - Renewal Letter Issued - 02253193.DOC.pdf
- /3. Lease documents/
- Shop 1 - The Guru Knows Limited - Deed of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 10 - The Hair Company - Deed of Lease 19.10.2023.pdf
- Shop 11A - Shine Aesthetics Limited - Deed of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 2 - JC Beauty Trading Limited - Deed of Lease 4.7.2023.pdf
- Shop 3 - Coastal Cravings Limited - Deed of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 4 - In A Spin Limited - ATL & Memo of Variation of Agreement to Lease 23.8.2017.pdf
- Shop 4- In A Spin Limited - Deed of Renewal & Variation of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 5 - NZ Red Cross Incorporated - Deed of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 6 - Lilly Christine Limited - Deed of Renewal & Variation of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 6 - Lilly Christine Limited Deed of Lease 24.5.2021.pdf
- Shop 7 - Hibiscus Chiropractic Limited - Deed of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 7A - Illuminati Tattoo - Deed of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 8 - Aixelink NZ Limited - Deed of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- Shop 9 - Iyra Limited - Deed of Lease 19.6.2024.pdf
- /4. Property documents/
- 1 Alice Avenue, Orewa - Information Memorandum.pdf
- NA1075_283.pdf
- /5. Sale and Purchase Agreement/
- 1 Alice Avenue, Orewa - Sale and Purchase Agreement (final).pdf
Property Description
1 Alice Avenue, Orewa is a fully tenanted, three-level commercial building in the heart of Orewa’s thriving coastal town centre. With a mix of retail and office tenancies spanning 1,063.4 sqm, the property generates a net rental of $247,680pa + GST. Zoned Business – Town Centre, it offers excellent future development potential, with a height limit of up to 18 metres, making it an ideal investment for both immediate returns and long-term growth.Please fill in the form below and we'll email you a link to download the PropertyFiles, instantly.
Contact Ben Clare
Bayleys - Mackys Real Estate Ltd
Licensed under the REAA 2008
021 473 251 ben.clare@bayleys.co.nz All Listings
When buying, selling and leasing commercial property, grass roots experience is hard to beat. Ben Clare knows commercial real estate from both sides of the equation – as a client and as an agent. This gives him a rare understanding of what his commercial real estate clients need meaning Ben knows how to deliver just the right result every time.
Ben is highly qualified across a number of different areas. He’s got a mechanical engineering degree and has worked in the heavy industry and food processing sectors, in New Zealand and around the world, for over ten years. Following that, he owned and managed a set of businesses for six years, including an industrial manufacturing company, a distribution company and a retail chain. It was when dealing with commercial real estate brokers as a client he knew he could do it better, which led to Ben entering the commercial real estate industry.
Contact Graeme Perigo
Bayleys - Mackys Real Estate Ltd
Licensed under the REAA 2008
021 67 60 67 graeme.perigo@bayleys.co.nz All Listings
A hugely successful career in real estate spanning well over a decade has seen Graeme engaged with over $500 million worth of real estate sales and leasing and consistently placed in the top ten of commercial agents. Graeme knows commercial real estate like no other and repeat business figures highly, speaking volumes about the results he delivers to his clients.