16 Basil Place, Mt Pleasant, Christchurch Fully Loaded Family HOME
TweetAvailable PropertyFiles:
- Building Report - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- Code Compliance Certificate - 16 Basil Place.PDF
- Disclosure Form - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- EQC File - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- External Cladding PS3 - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- Floor Level Map - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- Insurance - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- LLUR - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- PS3 - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- PS4 Structural Repair - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- Rates - 16 Basil Place.png
- Relevelling - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- Relevelling PS3 - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- Relevelling invoice - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- Sale and Purchase Agreement - 16 Basil Place FULL.pdf
- TC CAT - 16 Basil Place.png
- Title - 16 Basil Place.pdf
- /Council Files/
- [10 243625]RES992440 16 Basil Place Scanned Documents.PDF
- [10 243626]92-062 16 Basil Place Scanned Documents.PDF
- [10 243627]CON99007450 16 Basil Place Scanned Documents.PDF
- [10 243628]ABA10007148 16 Basil Place Scanned Documents.PDF
- [10 243642]RES992440 16 Basil Place Scanned Documents.PDF
- [10 243644]CON99007450 16 Basil Place Scanned Documents.PDF
- [10 243645]ABA10007148 16 Basil Place Scanned Documents.PDF
- [11 295244]CDB75057971 EQ Rapid Assessment 2011-03-02 Green Placard 16 BASIL PLACE.PDF
- [13 1292637]BCN201311371 - Processing - Checksheet - B-100 SUPERCEDED.DOC
- [13 1292645]BCN201311371 - Processing - Tasks & Fees - B-103.XLS
- [13 1292657]BCN201311371 - Code Compliance - Findings - B-203.DOC
- [13 1292671]BCN201311371 - Application Original - Building Consent.PDF
- [13 1292680]BCN201311371 - Application Original - Application.PDF
- [13 1292684]BCN201311371 - Consent - Plans - DRAFT - DO NOT USE.PDF
- [13 1292688]BCN201311371 - Consent - Specifications - DRAFT - DO NOT USE.PDF
- [13 1292694]BCN201311371 - Consent - Supporting Documents - DRAFT - DO NOT USE.PDF
- [13 1292778]BCN201311371 - Development Report - Drainage Plan - 2013-12-18.PDF
- [13 1292818]BCN201311371 - Application - Certificate of Title - CB38A847.PDF
- [14 113994]Attached - CCityCTRANSMIT042837_BCN20131137116BasilPlaceRFILetterACNXREF_6oKBKEWeLArt73DBLhoY4_.msg
- [14 114001]BCN201311371 - Request for Information - Letter.PDF
- [14 1168578]BCN201311371 - Application - Aconex Mail Thread - Part 1.PDF
- [14 1168583]BCN201311371 - Application - Aconex Mail Thread - Part 2.PDF
- [14 1168589]BCN201311371 - Application - Aconex Mail Thread - Part 3.PDF
- [14 1168595]BCN201311371 - Application - Aconex Mail Thread - Part 4.PDF
- [14 1168600]BCN201311371 - Application - Aconex Mail Thread - Part 5.PDF
- [14 1168611]BCN201311371 - Application - Aconex Mail Thread - Part 6.PDF
- [14 1168617]BCN201311371 - Application - Aconex Mail Thread - Part 7.PDF
- [14 14966]BCN201311371 - Property information from GIS.DOC
- [14 15038]BCN201311371 - Processing - Acceptance Letter.PDF
- [14 15051]Attached - CCityCTRANSMIT040960_BCN20131137116BasilPlaceAcceptACNXREF_KNgsms1waJTzRB5ALhoY4_.msg
- [14 182069]BCN201311371 - Processing - Request for information Letter - 02.PDF
- [14 182077]Attached - CCityCTRANSMIT044321_Re_BCN20131137116BasilPlaceRFILetterACNXREF_EMClMirry6ntZ2MBLhoY4_.msg
- [14 186285]BCN201311371 - PBC Invoice - APPROVED.PDF
- [14 186297]Attached - BCN201311371PBCInvoiceAPPROVED.msg
- [14 186728]BCN201311371 - Processing - Checksheet - B-100.DOC
- [14 186740]BCN201311371 - Consent - Supporting Documents - APPROVED.PDF
- [14 186744]BCN201311371 - Consent - Specifications - APPROVED.PDF
- [14 186749]BCN201311371 - Consent - Plans - APPROVED.PDF
- [14 186917]BCN201311371 - Schedule of Specified Inspections.DOC
- [14 187042]BCN201311371 - Construction Documentation & Advice Notes.DOC
- [14 187072]BCN201311371 - Building Consent.DOC
- [14 196744]BCN201311371 - Consent - Construction Documentation and Advice Notes - APPROVED.PDF
- [14 196747]BCN201311371 - Consent - Schedule of Specified Inspections - APPROVED.PDF
- [14 196758]BCN201311371 - Consent - Section 51 Form 5.PDF
- [14 196821]BCN201311371 - Invoice.DOC
- [14 196833]BCN201311371 - Invoice.PDF
- [14 198799]Attached - BCN201311371RatesCopyVNZ2290238301.msg
- [14 37178]BCN201311371 - Development Report.DOC
- [14 37194]BCN201311371 - Development Report - APPROVED.PDF
- [15 63811]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [15 63812]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [15 63813]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [15 82609]BCN201311371 - Extension of time to commence building work 2015-08-21.DOC
- [15 82611]BCN201311371 - Extension of time to commence building work 2015-08-21.DOC
- [15 82613]BCN201311371 - Extension of time to commence building work 2015-08-21.DOC
- [15 82755]C Users HendriksDA AppData Local Hewlett-Packard HP TRIM CC TEMP 453xa5rb.msg
- [15 84965]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time - GRANTED 2015-08-21.PDF
- [15 883151]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [15 883153]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [15 883154]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [15 915593]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Response - Withdraw Consent.PDF
- [15 915612]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Response - Withdraw Consent - Email to online Services to arrange a refund.EML
- [15 920129]BCN201311371 - Credit Note.DOC
- [15 920136]BCN201311371 - Credit Note.PDF
- [15 920153]BCN201311371 - Building work will not proceed.DOC
- [15 920171]BCN201311371 - Building work will not proceed.PDF
- [15 920476]BCN201311371 - Credit note on Debtor 2589 - Email to Accounts.MSG
- [15 920528]BCN201311371 - Building work will not proceed - Email.MSG
- [15 920547]BCN201311371 - Credit Note - Email.MSG
- [17 1053529]BCN201311371 - Overdue Invoice 104721.MSG
- [17 1054761]BCN201311371 - Overdue Invoice 104721 - Customer Response.MSG
- [17 1054772]BCN201311371 - 16 Basil Place Redcliffs - Please Contact Customer - Internal Correspondence.MSG
- [17 1074539]BCN201311371 - Ext of time to commence building work with invoice.DOC
- [17 1074554]BCN201311371 - Ext of time to commence building work with invoice.PDF
- [17 1074559]BCN201311371 - Inspections - Reply to EOT query from Team Leader.MSG
- [17 1074603]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time - GRANTED - 08082018.MSG
- [17 127788]BCN201311371 - Ext of time to commence building work with invoice 2017-08-08.DOC
- [17 127816]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time - GRANTED - 2017-08-08.MSG
- [17 129246]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time - GRANTED - 2017-08-08.PDF
- [17 130942]BCN201311371 - Inspection - 241 - 11 Month Inspection - 2017-02-09 - Fail.pdf.PDF
- [17 130947]BCN201311371 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2017-02-09.pdf.PDF
- [17 142930]BCN201311371 - Inspection - EOT Invoice Payment Advice.MSG
- [17 608069]BCN201311371 - 10 Month Reminder - Email to Agent and Owner.MSG
- [17 743565]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [17 743567]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [17 743598]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.PDF
- [17 743599]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.PDF
- [17 743621]BCN201311371 - Emailing 11 Month Letter to Owner.MSG
- [17 743630]BCN201311371 - Emailing 11 Month Letter to Agent.MSG
- [17 8584]BCN201311371 - 11-month reminder.DOC
- [17 8585]BCN201311371 - 11-month reminder.DOC
- [17 8587]BCN201311371 - 11-month reminder.DOC
- [17 859071]BCN201311371 - Ext of time to commence building work with invoice 2018-02-08.DOC
- [17 859083]BCN201311371 - Ext of time to commence building work with invoice 2018-02-08.PDF
- [17 859103]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time - GRANTED - 2018-02-08.MSG
- [17 859170]BCN201311371 - Extension of time - Email Advising Last EOT.MSG
- [17 879744]BCN201311371 - External Communication - Change of Owner Information.MSG
- [17 881014]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time - GRANTED - 2018-02-08.PDF
- [17 894490]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time Query regarding cost.MSG
- [17 894536]BCN201311371 - Inspections - query sent to sanjay - dispute over final extension.MSG
- [17 961319]BCN201311371 - Inspection - Forwarding EOT Query onto TM BCO.MSG
- [18 577004]BCN201311371 - 10 Month Reminder - Email to Owner.MSG
- [18 676451]BCN201311371 - Ext of time to commence building work with invoice.DOC
- [18 676464]BCN201311371 - Credit Note.DOC
- [18 676482]BCN201311371 - Ext of time to commence building work with invoice.PDF
- [19 1463013]BCN201311371 - Work not going ahead - Owners Authorisation Required.MSG
- [19 1463468]BCN201311371 - Sale and Purchase.MSG
- [19 1463532]BCN201311371 - Work is not proceeding.MSG
- [19 1465181]BCN201311371 - Refund query.MSG
- [19 1466054]BCN201311371 - Refund query.MSG
- [19 1466211]BCN201311371 - Work is not proceeding - Fee refund query from old owner.MSG
- [19 773603]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [19 773605]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Reminder Letter.DOC
- [19 775080]BCN201311371 - 11 Month Response - Agent no longer involved.MSG
- [19 907415]BCN201311371 - Ext of time to commence building work with invoice - 2020-08-08.DOC
- [19 907458]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time - GRANTED - 2020-08-08.MSG
- [19 909252]BCN201311371 - Extension of Time - Approved - 2020-08-08.PDF
- [20 207634]BCN201311371 - Code Compliance Application sent to Agent.MSG
- [20 232168]BCN201311371 - Code Compliance - Supporting Documents.MSG
- [20 232190]BCN201311371 - Code Compliance - RFI RE External Plastering PS3.MSG
- [20 25406]BCN20131137 - Processing - Response to minor variation query.MSG
- [20 32505]BCN201311371 - Minor Variation - Request Email.MSG
- [20 32523]BCN201311371 - Minor Variation - Application form.PDF
- [20 32529]BCN201311371 - Minor Variation - Supporting Documents - APPROVED.PDF
- [20 32546]BCN201311371 - Minor Variation - Checksheet - B-107.DOCM
- [20 33129]BCN201311371 - Consent - Conditions.DOCX
- [20 35735]BCN201311371 - Minor Variation Decision Letter.DOCX
- [20 35805]BCN201311371 - Consent - Conditions - APPROVED.PDF
- [20 35806]BCN201311371 - Minor Variation Decision Letter.PDF
- [20 35859]BCN201311371 - Minor Variation - Granted.MSG
- [20 412511]BCN201311371 - Code Compliance - Construction Statement - PS3 - External Plastering.MSG
- [20 507099]BCN201311371 - Inspection - 210 - Residential - Final - 2020-05-08 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 507103]BCN201311371 - Inspection - 241 - 11 Month Inspection - 2020-05-08 - NA.pdf.PDF
- [20 507122]BCN201311371 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2020-05-08.pdf.PDF
- [20 507159]BCN201311371 - Code Compliance - Supporting Documents - 2020-05-08.MSG
- [20 648402]BCN201311371 - Application Original - Code Compliance Certificate - B-011 and Supporting Documents - 2020-05-21.MSG
- /Deadline Documents/
- =?UTF-8?Q?Deadline_Authority_=E2=80=93_Addendum_to_Agency_Agreement=2Epdf?=
- Guide to buying by Deadline Sale.pdf
- Multiple Offer Presentation.pdf
- Passing over Disclaimer.pdf
- Pre-Deadline Sale Process.pdf
- Registration of Interest Deadline Sale.pdf
- Sale & Purchase Agreement Guide.pdf
Property Description
DEADLINE: 1PM, 11 FEBRUARY 2025 (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR)Positioned in one of Christchurch's desirable microclimates, tucked away from the road, this five bedroom, three bathroom, family HOME is in the perfect position and condition for easy lifestyle living.
The HOME offering:
- 979m2 section with established plantings, outdoor living zones & children's play area
- Double glazing, a gas fire, underfloor heating, 2 x heat pumps & ducted heating vents to keep you cosy all-year round
- Open plan kitchen, living and dining with a separate lounge
- Extra large double garage with high stud ceiling
- Close proximity to McCormacks Bay Reserve
- Quiet cul de sac
With close proximity to Redcliffs Village and Ferrymead shops, you'll absolutely love the position and lifestyle. Surrounded by the tranquillity of bush and the sound of bellbirds, yet it's just a hop, skip & jump to Redcliffs Village and the ever popular beaches & cafes of Sumner.
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By accepting the information contained in this PropertyFile, I acknowledge I have read, understood and accepted the terms on which the information is made available.1. Where information is supplied by the agent to customers, the information is information in possession of the Vendor(s) that the Vendor(s) are making available to the customer without endorsement.
2. No representation is made by the agent or the Vendor(s) as to the accuracy, or to the reliability, of any information made available to the customers.
3. The customer will seek such advice and explanation the customer may require from an independent specialist of their choosing.
4. Should the purchaser decide not to obtain their own specialist advice, they are deemed to have satisfied themselves on all aspects of the property and are buying solely in reliance on their own judgement and contrary to the recommendation of the agent.
5. By registering you give consent to receive newsletters from the listing agent and/or PropertyFiles which you may unsubscribe from anytime.
Contact Eddie Spry
Home Christchurch Limited
Licensed REAA 2008
021 156 5884 021 156 5884 eddie@homechch.co.nz All Listings
Eddie has a wealth of knowledge in the industry, from sales, auctioneering to business ownership Eddie knows the ins and outs of the real estate world. He is passionate about what he does and how he conducts himself, putting the client first above all else.
His quick actions and smart thinking put’s him above the rest of the industry, helping buyers and sellers secure their dreams with a smile on his face at all times. Driven by results and the well-being of his clients keeps him striving to be his best, so everyone can have a the real estate experience they so truly deserve.