51 Diamond Avenue, Spreydon, Christchurch Crown Jewel of Spreydon
TweetAvailable PropertyFiles:
- Disclosure - 51 Diamond Ave.pdf
- EQC Files - 51 Diamond Avenue.pdf
- EQC Scope - 51 Diamond Avenue.pdf
- Electrical Certificate - 51 Diamond Avenue.PDF
- Flood Level Map - 51 Diamon Avenue.pdf
- Historic LIM - 51 Diamond Avenue.pdf
- Insurance - 51 Diamond Avenue.pdf
- LLUR - 51 Diamond Avenue.pdf
- Rates - 51 Diamond Avenue.png
- Sale and Purchase Agreement - 51 Diamond Avenue FULL.pdf
- TC CAT - 51 Diamond Avenue.png
- Title - 51 Diamond Avenue.pdf
- /Council Files/
- [12 111368]ABA10114433 Application Original - Building Consent - 51 Diamond Avenue.PDF
- [12 111384]ABA10114433 Consent - Plans - APPROVED.PDF
- [12 125122]ABA10114433 Consent Approved - FINAL.MSG
- [12 169435]ABA10114433 - Certificate - Code Compliance Certificate.PDF
- [12 649166]CDB75067715 EQ Rapid Assessment Green 2011-03-04 Placard - 51 DIAMOND AVENUE.PDF
- [13 357806]Attached - LIM70144645.msg
- [14 100510]RMA92024735 s95104 Report - DRAFT.DOC
- [14 101820]RMA92024735 Approved Consent Document - DRAFT.PDF
- [14 101927]Attached - RMA92024735RFI1Sent20140130.msg
- [14 101956]Attached - RMA92024735EmailclarificaitonsentapplicantreRFI1.msg
- [14 120144]RMA92024735 Development Contirbution - Assessment.XLS
- [14 120212]RMA92024735 Development Contribution - Report.DOC
- [14 194149]Attached - RMA92024735FurtherInformationprovided20February2014.msg
- [14 194173]RMA92024735 Further Information Email.PDF
- [14 194181]RMA92024735 Amended Plans received 24 Feb 2014.PDF
- [14 195726]RMA92024735 s95104 Report - DRAFT.DOC
- [14 200463]Attached - RMA92024735ResponsetoFurtherInformationprovided20February2014.msg
- [14 201263]Attached - RMA92024735FurtherInformationprovided25February2014.msg
- [14 201267]RMA92024735 Amended Plans for Rear Lot received 2014-02--25.PDF
- [14 201270]RMA92024735 Amended Site Plan received 2014-02--25.PDF
- [14 209429]Attached - RMA92024735REsponsetofurtherInformationprovided25February2014.msg
- [14 211790]Attached - RMA92024735FurtherInformationprovided27February2014.msg
- [14 211792]RMA92024735 Revised Parking Plan for Front Site.PDF
- [14 211854]RMA92024735 Approved Consent Plans 1 to 6.PDF
- [14 211877]RMA92024735 Approved Consent Document 10 Pages FINAL.PDF
- [14 212102]Attached - RMA92024735EmailtoEndAdminseekingDecisionDay8.msg
- [14 212646]Attached - RE_RMA92024735EmailtoEndAdminseekingDecisionDay8.msg
- [14 213053]RMA92024735 Revised Parking Plan for Front Site.PDF
- [14 213103]Attached - RMA92024735EmailfromRMOSCconfirmingRCGranted.msg
- [14 213119]RMA92024735 Approved Consent Document 10 Pages Reduced FINAL.PDF
- [14 213322]RMA92024735 Approved Consent Document 10 Pages Reduced FINAL.PDF
- [14 213328]RMA92024735 s95104 Report - FINAL.PDF
- [14 213339]Attached - RMA92024735DecisionEmailsent27Feb2014.msg
- [14 213457]Attached - RMA92024735EmailtoEndAdminseekingfinalinvoicebesent.msg
- [14 225796]Attached - RMA92024735SubdivisionPlanconfirmingsitecoverage.msg
- [14 225807]RMA92024735 Subdivision Plan confirming Site Coverage.PDF
- [14 233943]Attached - RMA92025109Acknowledgementemailandinvoice.msg
- [14 251916]RMA92024735 s36 Additional Fees - Report.DOC
- [14 274324]RMA92024735 Additional Fees - Invoice.PDF
- [14 274406]RMA92024735 Additional Fees - Breakdown.PDF
- [14 274408]Attached - CSR91743786.msg
- [14 274446]RMA92024735 Additional Fees - Letter.DOC
- [14 274821]Attached - RMA92024735AdditionalFees51DiamondAvenue.msg
- [14 345520]Attached - RMA92024735Section37lifted.msg
- [14 479869]RMA92025109 Decision & Approved Plan.PDF
- [14 479885]C Users OreillyA AppData Local Hewlett-Packard HP TRIM CC TEMP n3xjxs0k.msg
- [14 499374]C Users BishopM AppData Local Hewlett-Packard HP TRIM CC TEMP l4w0jggw.msg
- [14 85351]RMA92024735 RES201453 - Plans.PDF
- [14 85361]RMA92024735 RES201453 - Application form.PDF
- [14 85621]Attached - RMA92024735AmendedPlansReceivedforBCN201311051.msg
- [14 85657]RMA92024735 Application Original - Land Use Consent - 51 Diamond Avenue.PDF
- [14 85671]RMA92024735 Application - Plans for Processing - DRAFT.PDF
- [14 85689]Attached - OnlineServicesRES201453Resourceconsentapplicationreceived.msg
- [14 85711]RMA92024735 Work Charging & Checksheet.XLS
- [14 85814]Attached - RMA92024735Acknowledgementemailandinvoice.msg
- [14 85893]Attached - NotpaidTRIMPropertySubfolder_RMA92024735_LandUseConsentErectSecondDwelling.msg
- [14 86199]Attached - RE_RMA92024735AmendedPlansReceivedforBCN201311051.msg
- [14 86332]Attached - RMA92024735AmendedPlansReceivedforBCN201311051.msg
- [14 93560]Attached - FW_RMA92024735Acknowledgementemailandinvoice.msg
- [14 93580]Attached - TRIMPropertySubfolder_RMA92024735_LandUseConsentErectSecondDwelling.msg
- [14 969410]RMA92025109 Consent Notice.PDF
- [14 99810]Attached - RMA92024735EmailallocatingLandUseConsentErectSecondDwellingtoAskewKJNotpaid.msg
- /Healthy Homes Documents/
- 20221109_GForce Invoice_WI46166-FI.pdf
- 20221109_Healthy Homes Standard 2019 - Draught Proofing (Regulation 25 & 26)_Job_WI - 48453.pdf
- 20221109_Healthy Homes Standard 2019 - Heating (Regulation 8) _Job_WI - 48453.pdf
- 20221109_Healthy Homes Standard 2019 - Insulation (Regulation 13 & 15) , Residential Tenancies Regulations 2016 - Smoke Alarm (Reg.pdf
- 20221109_Healthy Homes Standard 2019 - Moisture Ingress (Regulation 27 & 28)_Job_WI - 48453.pdf
- 20221109_Healthy Homes Standard 2019 - Ventilation (Regulation 21 & 23)_Job_WI - 48453.pdf
Property Description
Diamond Avenue, considered one of Spreydon’s quietest and most family-friendly streets, is an area poised for easy living with close proximity to the CBD, Barrington Mall, and the Hills. An ideal location for you and your family to make the most of life.
Step into this beautifully preserved 1930s HOME, where the story unfolds. Comprising three bedrooms, a full family bathroom, and a separate lounge, this HOME offers a complete environment for easy living. The open-plan kitchen and dining area have access to the northwest-facing deck—an ultimate BBQ retreat.
Families will appreciate the excellent local schooling options, with zoning for Christchurch South Intermediate and close proximity to Spreydon School and Hillmorton High School. Parks, playgrounds, and the Port Hills are all within easy reach, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities and weekend adventures. The vibrant community feel and nearby amenities make this a sought-after location for families of all ages.
With our owners now based in Napier, this HOME is surplus to requirements. Opportunities to secure a family-friendly, entry-level HOME in this area are hard to come by. Be a part of the Diamond story.
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Contact Eddie Spry
Home Christchurch Limited
Licensed REAA 2008
021 156 5884 021 156 5884 eddie@homechch.co.nz All Listings
Eddie has a wealth of knowledge in the industry, from sales, auctioneering to business ownership Eddie knows the ins and outs of the real estate world. He is passionate about what he does and how he conducts himself, putting the client first above all else.
His quick actions and smart thinking put’s him above the rest of the industry, helping buyers and sellers secure their dreams with a smile on his face at all times. Driven by results and the well-being of his clients keeps him striving to be his best, so everyone can have a the real estate experience they so truly deserve.