87 Small Road, Silverdale
TweetAvailable PropertyFiles:
- /Property Documents/
- 27269 Asbuilt plans141011 - 10000551850-00-000-0-1.pdf
- 27269 Consent Conditions.pdf
- 27269 Site Plan 2.pdf
- 27269 Site Plan.pdf
- 35623 Future Trust s37 letter 06.08.08 - 10000200569-00-000-0-1.pdf
- 35623 Future Trust s92 letter 10.04.08 - 10000185741-00-000-0-1.pdf
- 35623 notify decision 13.08.08 - 10000201803-00-000-0-1.pdf
- 44111-LT-PLN-TA01 s92 response.pdf.pdf
- 87 Small Road.pdf.pdf
- =?UTF-8?Q?BCO10374614=2DBuilding_consent_issued_balance_of_fees_=E2=89=A4=2450?= =?UTF-8?Q?0_=2D_Y=5FAC1945=2Edocx=2Epdf?=
- ABA-1002703 - AC2003 Building Consent - 01016671.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Application - ABA 1002703 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Application accepted for Processing - 00686124.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Correspondence - ABA 1002703 CORRES.tif.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 1002703 DECISN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Engineers Fax - 00807027.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Extension of time for commencing work - 01660048.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Failing to uplift BC - 1st letter - 01017025.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - General Building Fax - 00864397.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - General Building Fax - 00865559.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - General Building Fax - 00872472.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - General Building Fax - 00970365.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Letter to advise Consent Lapse - 3 weeks review - 01788443.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Letter to advise Consent Lapsed - 01798617.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Monitoring, inspections - ABA 1002703 MONITOR.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - PIM Issued - 00692768.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Plan(s) - ABA 1002703 PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Project Information Memorandum - 00687195.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Request for further information BC 1st Letter - 00699974.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Request for further information BC 1st Letter - 00701429.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Request for further information BC 1st Letter - 00709226.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1002703 SPECS Vol 1.tif.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1002703 SPECS Vol 2.tif.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1002703 SPECS Vol 3.tif.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1002703 SPECS Vol 4.tif.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 1002703 NOTES Vol 1.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1002703 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 1002703 NOTES.tif.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - AC2003 Building Consent - 02205866.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - Application - ABA 1021789 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - Certificate attached to BC under section 37 - 02157786.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 1021789 DECISN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - Plan(s) - ABA 1021789 PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - Request for further information BC 1st Letter - 02158465.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1021789 SPECS.tif.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 1021789 NOTES.pdf.pdf
- ABA-1021789 - Successful lodgement application - 02151034.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1021789_A - Application - ABA 1021789A APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-1021789_A - Plan(s) - ABA 1021789A PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1021789_A - Request for further information BC 1st Letter - 02229313.DOC.pdf
- ABA-11217 - Application - ABA 11217 APPLIC.TIF.pdf
- ABA-11217 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 11217 DECISN.TIF.pdf
- ABA-11217 - Plan(s) - ABA 11217 PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-11217 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 11217 NOTES.TIF.pdf
- ABA-11533 - AC2002 Code Compliance Certificate - 01930744.DOC.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Application - ABA 11533 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - As-built plan(s) - ABA 11533 ASBUILT.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Correspondence - ABA 11533 CORRES.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 11533 DECISN.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Informing About Inspection For CCC On Commercial B - 01037990.DOC.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Monitoring, inspections - ABA 11533 MONITOR Vol 1.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Monitoring, inspections - ABA 11533 MONITOR Vol 2.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Not Accepted Amendment Letter - 00679522.DOC.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Plan(s) - ABA 11533 PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Report - PRR 10364 SCANNED WHOLE FILE.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Request for further information BC 1st Letter - 00576068.DOC.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 11533 SPECS Vol 1.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 11533 SPECS Vol 2.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 11533 NOTES Vol 1.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 11533 NOTES.tif.pdf
- ABA-11533 - What should have been a final Insp - 00560565.DOC.pdf
- AC 1304- 87 Small Road 24 Month CCC chec.pdf
- APPL 35623 AEE & Form 180308 - 10000182884-00-000-0-1.pdf
- App35623 decisionReport & Permit 220808 - 10000203015-00-000-0-1.pdf
- App35623 decisionReport & Permit 220808 - 10000203015-00-000-1-1.pdf
- App35623 decisionReport & Permit 220808 - 10000203015-00-000-2-1.pdf
- Appl 35623 ack letter 250308 - 10000183901-00-000-0-1.pdf
- Appl35623Corrigendumletter&permit 260908 - 10000213031-00-000-0-1.pdf
- Appl35623Corrigendumletter&permit 260908 - 10000213031-00-000-1-1.pdf
- Approved Site Plans.pdf.pdf
- BCO10058042- 87 Small Road- 24 Month CCC.pdf
- BCO10058042-AC1915 CCC Refused letter.pdf
- BCO10261976 Refused Application.pdf.pdf
- BCO10261976 Refused Documents.pdf.pdf
- BCO10261976 Refused Plans.pdf.pdf
- BCO10261976-Certificate attached under s.pdf
- BCO10261976-Request for further informat 2.pdf
- BCO10261976-Request for further informat 4.pdf
- BCO10261976-Request for further informat 5.pdf
- BCO10261976-Request for further informat.pdf
- BCO10261976-Section 37 covering letter.pdf
- BCO10354191 Outgoing Correspondence_00.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191-Building consent ready for uplifting 1st letter-Y_AC1901.docx.pdf
- BCO10354191-Building consent(02).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_3703164836_IFG_Pass_20221005.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_3703181747_IPB_Pass_20221018.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_3703181749_IPB_Pass_20221018.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_3703197827_ICA_Pass_20221018.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_3703212893_ITK_Fail_20221103.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_3703222653_ITK_Pass_20221109.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_3703222654_ITK_Pass_20221109.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_3703242026_ICL_Pass_20221125.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Agreement to Provide PS.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Application Form.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Application Form_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Application Form_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Application Form_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(5).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(6).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(7).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(8).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(9).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Certificate of Works(02).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Certificate of Works.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Consent Conditions.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(10).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(11).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(12).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(13).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(14).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(15).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(16).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(5).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(6).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(7).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(8).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Incoming Correspondence_(9).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Plan.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Plan_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Plan_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Plan_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Plan_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Producer Statement 1 - Design.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Producer Statement 1 - Design_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Record of Title(02).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Record of Title.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Record of Title_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(10).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(11).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(5).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(6).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(7).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(8).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Approved_Technical Literature_(9).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Agreement to Provide PS.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Application Form.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Application Form_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Application Form_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Application Form_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Application Form_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications(14).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(10).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(11).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(12).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(13).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(14).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(15).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(16).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(17).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(18).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(19).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(20).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(21).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(5).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(6).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(7).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(8).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications_(9).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Certificate of Works.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Incoming Correspondence.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Outgoing Correspondence.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Outgoing Correspondence_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Producer Statement 1 - Design(02).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Producer Statement 1 - Design_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Record of Title.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Record of Title_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Record of Title_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Site Plan(03).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Site Plan_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Site Plan_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Site Plan_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Structural Calculations and Specifications.pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature(33).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(10).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(11).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(12).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(13).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(14).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(15).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(16).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(17).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(18).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(19).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(20).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(21).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(22).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(23).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(24).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(25).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(26).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(27).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(28).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(29).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(30).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(31).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(32).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(33).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(34).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(35).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(36).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(37).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(38).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(39).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(40).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(41).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(42).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(43).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(44).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(45).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(46).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(47).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(48).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(5).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(6).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(7).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(8).pdf.pdf
- BCO10354191_Lodged_Technical Literature_(9).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614 - LBP.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614-Building consent ready for Uplifting 1st letter.docx.pdf
- BCO10374614-Building consent(02).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614-Certificate attached under section 37 of the Building Act 2004.docx.pdf
- BCO10374614-Successful BC application.docx.pdf
- BCO10374614_3703738624_IFG_Pass_20231124.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_3703738690_ICA_Pass_20231128.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_3703738764_IPB_Pass_20231130.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_3703747921_ICL_Pass_20231206.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Agreement to Provide PS.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Application.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Application_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Application_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Application_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Application_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Calculations and Specifications.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Calculations and Specifications_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Certificate of Works.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Outgoing Correspondence.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Outgoing Correspondence_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Outgoing Correspondence_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Outgoing Correspondence_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Outgoing Correspondence_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Outgoing Correspondence_(5).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Outgoing Correspondence_(6).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Outgoing Correspondence_(7).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Plan.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Record of Title.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Structural Calculations and Specifications.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Structural Plan.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Structural Plan_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Structural Plan_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Approved_Technical Literature.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Agreement to Provide PS.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Application.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Application_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Application_(2).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Application_(3).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Application_(4).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Application_(5).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Calculations and Specifications.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Certificate of Works.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Map.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Outgoing Correspondence.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Outgoing Correspondence_(1).pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Record of Title.pdf.pdf
- BCO10374614_Lodged_Structural Plan.pdf.pdf
- Cons 27269 Inspection checksheet 230811 - 10000441563-00-000-0-1.pdf
- Cons 27269 inspection sheet 260711 - 10000440535-00-000-0-1.pdf
- Cons 27269 inspection sheet 311006 - 10000041269-00-000-0-1.pdf
- Cons 27269 intro letter 260711 - 10000440533-00-000-0-1.pdf
- CoverLetter_1070773-0v0.docx.pdf
- DIS60266628 27_08_2020 Desktop Review (internal only).pdf
- DIS60266628 Transfer request to current.pdf
- EW comp rpt 27269 230811 98568939 - 10000441562-00-000-0-1.pdf
- Email from applicant 2102020.docx.pdf
- Geotechnical Report - PRR 10364 SCANNED WHOLE FILE.tif.pdf
- L65522 Correspondence, re objection.pdf.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Application - RMA 30458 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Assessment report(s) - RMA 30458 ASSESS.tif.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Correspondence - RMA 30458 CORRES.tif.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 30458 DECISN.tif.pdf
- LAN-30458 - General Letter - 00561631.DOC.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Hearing - RMA 30458 HEARING.tif.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Monitoring, inspections - RMA 30458 MONITOR.tif.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Notification process - RMA 30458 NOTIF.tif.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Plan(s) - RMA 30458 PLAN.tif.pdf
- LAN-30458 - Submissions - RMA 30458 SUBMIS.tif.pdf
- LAN-33535 - Application - RMA 33535 Application.tif.pdf
- LAN-33535 - Assessment report(s) - RMA 33535 Assessment.tif.pdf
- LAN-33535 - Correspondence - RMA 33535 Correspondence.tif.pdf
- LAN-33535 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 33535 Decision.tif.pdf
- LAN-33535 - Monitoring, inspections - RMA 33535 Monitoring.tif.pdf
- LAN-33535 - Notification process - RMA 33535 Notification.tif.pdf
- LAN-33535 - Plan(s) - RMA 33535 Plans.tif.pdf
- LAN-37180 - Application - RMA 37180 APPLICATION.tif.pdf
- LAN-37180 - Assessment report(s) - RMA 37180 ASSESSMENTS.tif.pdf
- LAN-37180 - Correspondence - RMA 37180 CORRESPONDENCE.tif.pdf
- LAN-37180 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 37180 DECISION.tif.pdf
- LAN-37180 - General Letter - 00787299.DOC.pdf
- LAN-37180 - General Letter - 00825954.DOC.pdf
- LAN-37180 - General Letter - 00842899.DOC.pdf
- LAN-37180 - General Letter - 00862091.DOC.pdf
- LAN-37180 - General Letter - 00863600.DOC.pdf
- LAN-37180 - Monitoring, inspections - RMA 37180 MONITOR.tif.pdf
- LAN-37180 - Notification process - RMA 37180 SECTION 94 DECISION.tif.pdf
- LAN-37180 - Plan(s) - RMA 37180 PLANS.tif.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Acceptance Letter - 00690113.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Application - RMA 53548 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Assessment report(s) - RMA 53548 ASSESS.tif.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Correspondence - RMA 53548 CORRES.tif.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 53548 DECISN.tif.pdf
- LAN-53548 - L-S37L - 00736960.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Limited Notified Application - 00850751.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Notification process - RMA 53548 NOTIF.tif.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Plan(s) - RMA 53548 PLAN.tif.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S.88 CheckList - 00689243.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S104_108 Decision and Conditions - 00764504.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S104_108 Decision and Conditions - 00904852.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S93_94 Assessment Report of Planner - 00764496.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S93_94 Assessment Report of Planner - 00849731.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S93_94 Assessment Report of Planner - 00902840.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S93_94 Decision by Delegated Officer - 00764502.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S93_94 Decision by Delegated Officer - 00849733.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - S93_94 Decision by Delegated Officer - 00902915.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Section 92 Request - 00700034.DOC.pdf
- LAN-53548 - Section 92 Request - 00773589.DOC.pdf
- LAN-65522 - Application - RMA 65522 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- LAN-65522 - General Letter - 02155025.DOC.pdf
- LAN-65522 - Plan(s) - RMA 65522 PLAN.tif.pdf
- LAN-65522 - Resource Consent Application Form - 02132526.DOC.pdf
- LAN-65933 - Application - RMA 65933 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- LAN-65933 - Decision 104 or 108 - 02164588.DOC.pdf
- LAN-65933 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 65933 DECISN.tif.pdf
- LAN-66395 - Acceptance Letter - 02206109.DOC.pdf
- LAN-66395 - Application - RMA 66395 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- LAN-66395 - Correspondence - RMA 66395 CORRES.tif.pdf
- LAN-66395 - Plan(s) - RMA 66395 PLAN.tif.pdf
- LAN-66395 - Section 92 Request - 02206300.DOC.pdf
- LUC60361130 Consent Conditions.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 AEE.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Agent's confirmaiton on conditions.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Application Form.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Application Tracking Sheet.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Correspondence and Debit Note.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Decision email 22-10-20.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Landscape Plan.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Management Report.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Record of Title D625279.2.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Record of Title D681850.2.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Record of Title.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 Signed Report and Decision.pdf.pdf
- LUC60361130 s37 extension.pdf.pdf
- LUC60432615 S88 Letter of Acceptance 31.05.24pdf.pdf.pdf
- LUC60432615 S88 Letter of Acceptance Email 31.05.24.pdf.pdf
- Site Investigation - PRR 10221 SCANNED WHOLE FILE.tif.pdf
- WOF_3799 - AC1419 compliance schedule general template - 00663452.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - AC1419 compliance schedule general template - 00663537.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - AC1419 compliance schedule general template - 00664023.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - AC2004 Compliance Schedule - 00551194.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - AC2004 Compliance Schedule - 00781078.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - AC2004 Compliance Schedule - 00790828.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - AC2005 Compliance Schedule Statement - 00551201.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - BWOF Expired - 2nd Letter - 02094685.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - BWOF Expired - 3rd Letter - 02103714.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - BWOF Expired - 3rd Letter - 02236839.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - BWof 5th letter expired - 02149834.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Compliance Schedule Amendment - 01608126.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Contravention letter BWOF - 02120669.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Correspondence - WOF 3799 CORRES Vol 1.tif.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Correspondence - WOF 3799 CORRES Vol 2.tif.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Correspondence - WOF 3799 CORRES Vol 3.tif.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Correspondence - WOF 3799 CORRES.tif.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Expired Building WOF - 00779211.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Expired Building WOF - 01011430.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Expired Building WOF - 01245227.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Expired Building WOF - 01576884.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Expired Building WOF - 02086501.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Monitoring, inspections - WOF 3799 MONITOR.tif.pdf
- WOF_3799 - New Compliance Schedule letter - 00551212.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Renewal Letter Issued - 00760454.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Renewal Letter Issued - 00996870.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01227877.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01411845.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01564765.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Renewal Letter Issued - 01879436.DOC.pdf
- WOF_3799 - Renewal Letter Issued - 02059716.DOC.pdf
- emailed BCO10374614-Section 37 covering letter.pdf.pdf
- ememo .docx.pdf
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Contact Alex Perigo
Mackys Real Estate Ltd
Licensed under the REAA 2008
0212565909 alex.perigo@bayleys.co.nz All Listings
Alex is a specialist commercial real estate broker in the Rodney region with a particular focus on industrial leasing & sales and land development opportunities. Alex is an integral part of the market leading Silverdale Commercial Team, the only team of it’s size in Rodney offering clients a more connected and responsive approach that generates hugely successful outcomes. In his first 12 months, Alex and his team transacted over $165 million of sale & lease transactions.
Alex came to real estate after a high-flying career in New Zealand and Australia working as an executive producer on a variety of metro and national radio shows. Every day Alex was tasked with managing a large team trying to capture the attention of a diverse group of people. Needless to say the sales, marketing, organisational and people skills he’s learned over the years translate incredibly well to commercial real estate.
Alex’s intimate understanding of the media and marketing world means he can offer his clients an edge that others can’t. He is up to date with the latest developments and emerging trends in traditional and digital marketing and knows how to best harness their power for the benefit of his clients. Exploring new approaches, and knowing from experience what works and what doesn't in real-world media marketing circumstances, sets Alex apart. He takes the time to develop an exceptional and effective marketing strategy customised to each client’s unique property and requirements. His proactive approach to the market, coupled with his personable demeanour, ensures that Alex keeps clients expertly informed about all facets of a transaction or campaign.
Alex is proud to be a ‘coastie’ and grew up in the area. He enjoys golf, touring the Hauraki Gulf Islands and going on walks with his partner Elena to discover more of the region’s hidden beaches. Alex also loves entertaining friends and family, seeking out information and staying educated about current events, both social and economic.
Contact Rene Geertshuis
Bayleys - Mackys Real Estate Limited
Licensed under the REAA 2008
0221991019 0221991019 rene.geertshuis@bayleys.co.nz All Listings
Rene spent his childhood on the coast, so the Rodney neighbourhood holds a special place in his heart. Following his graduation from Massey University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Property Valuation and Finance, Rene has worked in the field of Industrial and Commercial Sales and Leasing.
Rene was able to jump right into his career as a licenced commercial broker thanks in large part to the tremendous preparation he received from this experience. Although Rene primarily works in the commercial and industrial real estate markets in Rodney, he has been involved in a number of noteworthy transactions in other regions.
Rene moved from NAI Harcourts North Shore to Bayleys Commercial Silverdale, where he is now a member of the highly successful team. Rene and Kelly, his partner, spend their free time fishing, camping, and going to the Bach.