934 Whangaparaoa Road, Manly Blue-chip anchor tenant in prime location!
TweetAvailable PropertyFiles:
- /A. Title/
- NA81A_653.pdf
- /B. LIM Report/
- 8270574227.pdf
- /C. Property File/
- 36274 Bore App Shell NZ Ltd 100908 - 10000204840-00-000-0-1.pdf
- ABA-1004151 - Additional Fees and Charges Sheet - 00809970.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1004151 - Application - ABA 1004151 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-1004151 - Correspondence - ABA 1004151 CORRES.tif.pdf
- ABA-1004151 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 1004151 DECISN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1004151 - Exemption Approved - 00810445.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1004151 - Plan(s) - ABA 1004151 PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1004151 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 1004151 NOTES.tif.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - AC1174 Building Consent Schedule of Conditions - 01802544.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - AC2002 Code Compliance Certificate - 02002130.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - AC2003 Building Consent - 01802552.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - ADVICE OF REFUND LETTER - 01998488.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Application - ABA 1015487 APPLIC.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - As-built plan(s) - ABA 1015487 ASBUILT.tif.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - BC Ready for uplifting 1st Letter - 01802515.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - CCC Fees assessment checklist - 01998494.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - CCC ready for uplift fees outstanding - 01998485.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - CCC technical decision checklist - 01996597.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - CCC technical decision checklist - 01996609.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Certificate attached to BC under section 37 - 01881432.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Checklist - Pre CCC Findings - 01878563.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Correspondence - ABA 1015487 CORRES Vol 1.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Correspondence - ABA 1015487 CORRES.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Debtor Adjustment Form - Building - 02005648.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 1015487 DECISN Vol 1.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Decisions, conditions, notices - ABA 1015487 DECISN.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Email to_from customer - 01775880.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Email to_from customer - 01777639.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Email to_from customer - 01788915.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Email to_from customer - 01798104.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Email to_from customer - 01802056.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Email to_from customer - 01996503.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Final Inspection Breakdown - 01998473.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Monitoring, inspections - ABA 1015487 MONITOR.tif.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Plan(s) - ABA 1015487 PLAN Vol 1.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Plan(s) - ABA 1015487 PLAN Vol 2.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Request for further information BC 1st Letter - 01780516.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Request for further information BC 1st Letter - 01785356.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1015487 SPECS Vol 1.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1015487 SPECS Vol 2.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1015487 SPECS Vol 3.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1015487 SPECS Vol 4.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Specifications, calculations - ABA 1015487 SPECS Vol 5.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 1015487 NOTES Vol 1.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Staff notes, checklists - ABA 1015487 NOTES.TIF.pdf
- ABA-1015487 - Successful lodgement application - 01775741.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487_A - Application - ABA 1015487A APPLIC.tif.pdf
- ABA-1015487_A - Building consent issued balance of fees _ $500 - 01924661.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487_A - Email to_from customer - 01873666.DOC.pdf
- ABA-1015487_A - Plan(s) - ABA 1015487A PLAN.tif.pdf
- ABA-1015487_A - Section 37 letter - 01881425.DOC.pdf
- Appl 36274 notify decision 180908 - 10000206818-00-000-0-1.pdf
- BPA-9156 - Application - BPA 9156 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- BPA-9156 - Plan(s) - BPA 9156 PLAN.tif.pdf
- BPA-96069 - Application - BPA 96069 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- BPA-96069 - Plan(s) - BPA 96069 PLAN.tif.pdf
- Back Flow Issue WOF20041014.pdf.pdf
- F12 & F12A.pdf.pdf
- FPR-80283 - Food Premise Performance Assessment Reports Letter - 00361324.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80283 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 00396419.DOC.pdf
- FPR-80283 - Health Licence Renewals Including Food - 00426360.DOC.pdf
- LAN-57957 - 104 and 108 Decision Template - 01489780.DOC.pdf
- LAN-57957 - Acceptance Letter - 01484356.DOC.pdf
- LAN-57957 - Application - RMA 57957 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- LAN-57957 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 57957 DECISN.tif.pdf
- LAN-57957 - Non Notified Email Decision Template - 01490739.DOC.pdf
- LAN-57957 - Notification report for C and RD - 01489779.DOC.pdf
- LAN-57957 - Plan(s) - RMA 57957 PLAN.tif.pdf
- LAN-57957 - Resource Consent - Use this - 01490738.DOC.pdf
- LAN-57957 - Resource Consent Application Form - 01481639.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - 104 and 108 Decision Template - 01758847.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Acceptance Letter - 01747421.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Additional Consents required - 01747813.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Application - RMA 60378 APPLIC Vol 1.tif.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Application - RMA 60378 APPLIC Vol 2.tif.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Application - RMA 60378 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Assessment report(s) - RMA 60378 ASSESS.TIF.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Correspondence - RMA 60378 CORRES.TIF.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 60378 DECISN.TIF.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Engineering Referral - 01747425.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Internal Ref Engineering - 01747423.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Internal Ref Health - 01747428.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Non Notified Email Decision Template - 01759216.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Notification report for D and NC - 01759055.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Plan(s) - RMA 60378 PLAN.TIF.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Resource Consent - Use this - 01759213.DOC.pdf
- LAN-60378 - Resource Consent Application Form - 01744743.DOC.pdf
- LAN-61843 - Acceptance Letter - 01855707.DOC.pdf
- LAN-61843 - Application - RMA 61843 APPLIC.TIF.pdf
- LAN-61843 - Decision 104 or 108 - 01864491.DOC.pdf
- LAN-61843 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 61843 DECISN.TIF.pdf
- LAN-61843 - Notification report for C and RD - 01864490.DOC.pdf
- LAN-61843 - Plan(s) - RMA 61843 PLAN.TIF.pdf
- LAN-61843 - Resource Consent - Use this - 01867898.DOC.pdf
- LAN-61843 - Resource Consent Application Form - 01853637.DOC.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Acceptance Letter - 01926457.DOC.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Application - RMA 62724 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Application Refund - 01937408.DOC.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Decision 104 or 108 - 01936193.DOC.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Decisions, conditions, notices - RMA 62724 DECISN.tif.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Engineering Referral - 01926462.DOC.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Internal Ref Engineering - 01926458.DOC.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Notification report for C and RD - 01936190.DOC.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Plan(s) - RMA 62724 PLAN.tif.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Resource Consent - Use this - 01937368.DOC.pdf
- LAN-62724 - Resource Consent Application Form - 01921973.DOC.pdf
- LUC60004165 60378 Application Form & AEE.pdf.pdf
- LUC60004165 60378 Compliance Monitoring.pdf.pdf
- LUC60006046 Contaminated Report.pdf.pdf
- LUC80311769 36274 Application.pdf.pdf
- LUC80311769 36274 Consent Conditions.pdf.pdf
- PRES_1305 - Pre App Minutes Template - 01732038.DOC.pdf
- PRES_1305 - Pre Application Checklist - 01727309.DOC.pdf
- PRES_1305 - Pre-Application Meeting Letter - 01732586.DOC.pdf
- TPA-3120107 - Application - TPA 3120107 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- TPA-3120107 - Decisions, conditions, notices - TPA 3120107 DECISN.tif.pdf
- TPA-3120107 - Objection - TPA 3120107 OBJECTN.tif.pdf
- TPA-3120107 - Plan(s) - TPA 3120107 PLAN.tif.pdf
- TPA-3122107 - Application - TPA 3122107 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- TPA-3122107 - Decisions, conditions, notices - TPA 3122107 DECISN.tif.pdf
- TPA-3122107 - Plan(s) - TPA 3122107 PLAN.tif.pdf
- TPA-770067 - Application - TPA 770067 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- TPA-770067 - Decisions, conditions, notices - TPA 770067 DECISN.tif.pdf
- TPA-770067 - Plan(s) - TPA 770067 PLAN.tif.pdf
- TPA-772067 - Application - TPA 772067 APPLIC.tif.pdf
- TPA-772067 - Decisions, conditions, notices - TPA 772067 DECISN.tif.pdf
- TPA-772067 - Objection - TPA 772067 OBJECTN.tif.pdf
- TPA-772067 - Plan(s) - TPA 772067 PLAN.tif.pdf
- WOF20041014 - 934 Whangaparaoa Road Manly 0930, 936 Whangaparaoa Road Manl Accepted .pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014 - 934 Whangaparaoa Road Manly.pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014 - COPY OF AMENDED CS - 09.07.2015.pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014 - Form 12.pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014 Form 12 Issued 2018 Complia.pdf
- WOF20041014 Issued 9-05-2017 Compliance.pdf
- WOF20041014-934 Whangaparaoa Road Manly 0930, 936 Whangaparaoa Road Manl.pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014-AC1405 BWOF 1st Reminder 2.pdf
- WOF20041014-AC1405 BWOF 1st Reminder.pdf
- WOF20041014-AC1405 BWOF 1st Reminder.pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014-BWOF 2021.pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014-BWOF 2022.pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014-Email Submission.pdf.pdf
- WOF20041014-invoice.pdf.pdf
- WOF_4115 - AC1419 compliance schedule general template - 02097326.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - AC2004 Compliance Schedule - 01882379.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - AC2004 Compliance Schedule - 02097355.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - AC2005 Compliance Schedule Statement - 01882383.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - BWOF Expired - 2nd Letter - 02075846.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - BWOF Expired - 3rd Letter - 02082122.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - Compliance Schedule Amendment - 02097335.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - Contravention letter BWOF - 02091211.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - Expired Building WOF - 02067142.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - Monitoring, inspections - WOF 4115 MONITOR (2).tif.pdf
- WOF_4115 - Monitoring, inspections - WOF 4115 MONITOR.tif.pdf
- WOF_4115 - New Compliance Schedule letter - 01882690.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - Renewal Letter Issued - 02044821.DOC.pdf
- WOF_4115 - Renewal Letter Issued - 02245569.DOC.pdf
- /D. Tenancy Documentation/
- 1385844 - Agreement to Lease 2.11.2005 - Shell New Zealand Limited.pdf
- 2015 - Deed of Variation of Lease - Z Manly, 934 Whangaparaoa Road Signed.pdf
- Deed of Variation of Lease - Z Manly, 934 Whangaparaoa Road Abridged.pdf
- /E. Information Memorandum/
- IM - WGP Rd, 934.pdf
- /F. Sale and Purchase Agreement/
- Sale and Purchase Agreement - 934 Whangaparaoa Road.pdf
Property Description
This high-profile service station investment provides a rare opportunity to secure a long-term, passive income asset backed by a nationally recognised tenant. Leased to Z Energy Limited, the property is positioned in a prime Manly location, servicing a large catchment with strong demand.The 1,879sqm site (approximately) benefits from significant exposure along Whangaparaoa Road. With rights of renewal extending to 2055, the lease structure offers long-term security and growth potential, making this an attractive opportunity for investors.
With ongoing population growth and infrastructure development in the Whangaparaoa region, this property is well-positioned to capitalise on increasing demand for essential services. Its strategic location within a well-established commercial precinct ensures sustained foot traffic and vehicle movements, reinforcing its long-term investment appeal.
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Contact Graeme Perigo
Bayleys - Mackys Real Estate Ltd
Licensed under the REAA 2008
021 67 60 67 graeme.perigo@bayleys.co.nz All Listings
A hugely successful career in real estate spanning well over a decade has seen Graeme engaged with over $500 million worth of real estate sales and leasing and consistently placed in the top ten of commercial agents. Graeme knows commercial real estate like no other and repeat business figures highly, speaking volumes about the results he delivers to his clients.
Contact Ben Clare
Bayleys - Mackys Real Estate Ltd
Licensed under the REAA 2008
021 473 251 ben.clare@bayleys.co.nz All Listings
When buying, selling and leasing commercial property, grass roots experience is hard to beat. Ben Clare knows commercial real estate from both sides of the equation – as a client and as an agent. This gives him a rare understanding of what his commercial real estate clients need meaning Ben knows how to deliver just the right result every time.
Ben is highly qualified across a number of different areas. He’s got a mechanical engineering degree and has worked in the heavy industry and food processing sectors, in New Zealand and around the world, for over ten years. Following that, he owned and managed a set of businesses for six years, including an industrial manufacturing company, a distribution company and a retail chain. It was when dealing with commercial real estate brokers as a client he knew he could do it better, which led to Ben entering the commercial real estate industry.