397a Breezes Road, Aranui, Christchurch Family HOME Built 2020
TweetAvailable PropertyFiles:
- Disclosure Form - 397a Breezes Road.pdf
- LLUR - 397a Breezes Road.pdf
- Rates - 397a Breezes Road.png
- TC CAT - 397a Breezes Road.png
- Title - 397a Breezes Road.pdf
- /Council Files/
- =?UTF-8?Q?=5B20_1464399=5DBCN20197292_=2D_Code_Compliance_=2D_Assessing_=2D_SO?= =?UTF-8?Q?C_Report_=E2=80=93_2020=2D11=2D24=2EDOCX?=
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- [19 1256205]BCN20197292 - Application Original - Building Consent.PDF
- [19 1260587]BCN20197292 - Application Original - Plans.PDF
- [19 1260601]BCN20197292 - Application Original - Specifications.PDF
- [19 1260607]BCN20197292 - Application Original - Other supporting documents.PDF
- [19 1260745]BCN20197292 - Water connection application - Email.MSG
- [19 1260916]BCN20197292 - Processing - Checksheet - B-100R.XLSM
- [19 1260935]BCN20197292 - Consent - Plans - APPROVED.PDF
- [19 1260943]BCN20197292 - Consent - Specifications - APPROVED.PDF
- [19 1260948]BCN20197292 - Consent - Supporting documents - APPROVED.PDF
- [19 1261009]BCN20197292 - Property information from GIS.PDF
- [19 1261016]BCN20197292 - Development Report - APPROVED.DOC
- [19 1261025]BCN20197292 - Development Report - Drainage Plan - As at 2019-10-30.PDF
- [19 1261046]BCN20197292 - Application accepted with deposit invoice.DOC
- [19 1262036]BCN20197292 - Invoice.DOC
- [19 1262110]BCN20197292 - Processing - Tasks and Fees - B-103.XLSM
- [19 1262121]BCN20197292 - Application accepted with deposit invoice.PDF
- [19 1262151]BCN20197292 - Application accepted with deposit invoice - Email.MSG
- [19 1262672]BCN20197292 - Processing - Water Capacity - Advice Note - Review Complete.MSG
- [19 1266302]BCN20197292 - Water Connections -WS1 form.PDF
- [19 1266321]BCN20197292 - Invoice.DOC
- [19 1266325]BCN20197292 - Water Connections - Invoice.MSG
- [19 1273336]BCN20197292 - Section 36 Certificate - Dev Contributions Notice (DO NOT USE - SUPERSEDED).DOCX
- [19 1278396]BCN20197292 - Processing - Stormwater Discharge Approval - Advice Note - Review Complete.DOCX
- [19 1280492]BCN20197292 - Processing - Stormwater Discharge Approval - Advice Note - Review Complete.MSG
- [19 1290838]BCN20197292 - Processing - Floodplain Bylaw - RFI.MSG
- [19 1290851]BCN20197292 - Processing - Wastewater Capacity - RFI.MSG
- [19 1293706]BCN20197292 - Section 37 Certificate.DOCX
- [19 1295980]BCN20197292 - Development Report - Section 37.PDF
- [19 1295983]BCN20197292 - Development Report - Section 36 (DO NOT USE - SUPERSEDED).PDF
- [19 1296057]BCN20197292 - Development Report - Section 36 and Section 37 - email.MSG
- [19 1297332]BCN20197292 - Section 36 Certificate - Dev Contributions Notice.DOCX
- [19 1297378]BCN20197292 - Section 36 Certificate - Dev Contributions Notice.PDF
- [19 1298735]BCN20197292 - Section 36 and Section 37 query - Email to Duty Planner.MSG
- [19 1304826]BCN20197292 - Planner to agent - s37 remains.MSG
- [19 1317528]BCN20197292 - Planner to agent - S37 remains cont.MSG
- [19 1326295]BCN20197292 - Processing Start.MSG
- [19 1336369]BCN20197292 - Processing - RFI.MSG
- [19 1338637]BCN20187292 - Processing - Stormwater Outfall - 705 Gloucester Street North Linwood.MSG
- [19 1357024]BCN20187292 - Processing - Stormwater Outfall - 705 Gloucester Street North Linwood.MSG
- [19 1358556]BCN20187292 - Processing - Stormwater Outfall - 705 Gloucester Street North Linwood.MSG
- [19 1361360]BCN20197292 - Outstanding invoice 165904 - $995.00 - Reminder..MSG
- [19 1379775]BCN20197292 - Processing - RFI Response.MSG
- [19 1383948]BCN20197292 - Processing - RFI 2.MSG
- [19 1390416]BCN20197292 - Updated window elevations.MSG
- [19 1396057]BCN20197292 - Processing - RFI 2 Response.MSG
- [19 1396094]BCN20197292 - Processing - RFI 3.MSG
- [19 1396206]BCN20197292 - Processing - RFI 3 Response.MSG
- [19 1396230]BCN20197292 - Processing - Wastewater Capacity - RFI - 397 Breezes Road Aranui.MSG
- [19 1396389]BCN20197292 - Processing - Wastewater Capacity - Advice Note - Review Complete.MSG
- [19 1397312]BCN20197292 - Section 37 lapsed.DOCX
- [19 1397359]BCN20197292 - Planner to Agent - S37 lapsed.MSG
- [19 1399092]BCN20187292 - Processing - Stormwater Outfall - 705 Gloucester Street North Linwood.MSG
- [19 1399101]BCN20187292 - Processing - Stormwater Outfall - 705 Gloucester Street North Linwood.MSG
- [19 1400502]BCN20197292 - Consent - Inspections.DOCX
- [19 1400579]BCN20197292 - Consent - Conditions.DOCX
- [19 1400646]BCN20197292 - Consent - Section 51.DOCX
- [19 1408228]BCN20197292 - Consent - Inspections - APPROVED.PDF
- [19 1408229]BCN20197292 - Consent - Conditions - APPROVED.PDF
- [19 1408230]BCN20197292 - Consent - Section 51.PDF
- [19 1408347]BCN20197292 - Invoice with cover letter - consent granted.DOCX
- [19 1408376]BCN20197292 - Rates Copy -2285195800.PDF
- [19 1408381]BCN20197292 - Ground Report.PDF
- [19 1408388]BCN20197292 - Invoice Breakdown.PDF
- [19 1408393]BCN20197292 - Invoice with cover letter - consent granted.PDF
- [19 1408401]BCN20197292 - Rates Copy -2285195800 - Email.MSG
- [19 1408408]BCN20197292 - Ground Report - Email.MSG
- [19 1408415]BCN20197292 - Invoice with cover letter - consent granted - Email.MSG
- [19 1418566]BCN20197292 - Water Connection - Approved Plan.MSG
- [19 1464549]BCN20197292 - Building consent issued.DOCX
- [19 1464566]BCN20197292 - Building consent issued.PDF
- [19 1464598]BCN20197292 - Building consent issued - email.MSG
- [19 1464679]BCN20197292 - PS4 Notification to Consultants - email.MSG
- [19 1468964]BCN20197292 - Building consent issued - Email sent to customer to reupload - Email.MSG
- [19 879599]BCN20195078 - Application Original - Building Consent.PDF
- [19 880047]BCN20195078 - PIM Plans - DRAFT.PDF
- [19 880059]BCN20195078 - PIM Drainage Plan - as of 20190802.PDF
- [19 880254]BCN20195078 - Application accepted with deposit invoice.DOC
- [19 880370]BCN20195078 - Property information from GIS.DOC
- [19 880382]BCN20195078 - PIM - Drainage Working Notes - 397 Breezes Rd.DOCX
- [19 883639]BCN20195078 - Invoice.DOC
- [19 883661]BCN20195078 - Processing - Tasks and Fees - B-103.XLSM
- [19 883664]BCN20195078 - Application accepted with deposit invoice.PDF
- [19 883671]BCN20195078 - Application accepted with deposit invoice - Email.MSG
- [19 901191]BCN20195078 - Section 36 Certificate - Dev Contributions Notice.DOC
- [19 932485]BCN20195078 - Section 37 Certificate.DOC
- [19 932772]BCN20195078 - Project Information Memorandum.DOC
- [19 933152]BCN20195078 - PIM - Section 36.PDF
- [19 933187]BCN20195078 - PIM - Section 37.PDF
- [19 933205]BCN20195078 - Project Information Memorandum - APPROVED.PDF
- [19 933261]BCN20195078 - Invoice.DOC
- [19 933272]BCN20195078 - Invoice Breakdown.PDF
- [19 933296]BCN20195078 - Invoice.PDF
- [19 933305]BCN20195078 - Additional PIM Invoice - Email.MSG
- [19 933528]BCN20195078 - PIM -Worksheet.PDF
- [19 933530]BCN20195078 - PIM Checksheet.DOCX
- [19 938441]BCN20195078 - PIM Issued - Email.MSG
- [19 938584]BCN20195078 - Notification of payment.MSG
- [20 1022571]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 205 - Pre Line (Pre Line including Plumbing) - Unit 1 (Unit 397A) - 2020-08-20 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 1022572]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 205 - Pre Line (Pre Line including Plumbing) - Unit 2 (Unit 397B) - 2020-08-20 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 1022584]BCN20197292 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2020-08-20.pdf.PDF
- [20 1073690]RMA20201869 Application Original - Subdivision Consent - 397 Breezes Road.PDF
- [20 1181642]RMA20201869 s95104 Decision & Approved Plan.PDF
- [20 1181734]RMA20201869 Decision to Surveyor.MSG
- [20 126590]BCN20197292 - Transfer of ownership.MSG
- [20 1409381]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 210 - Residential - Final - Unit 1 (Unit 397A) - 2020-11-11 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 1409382]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 210 - Residential - Final - Unit 2 (Unit 397B) - 2020-11-11 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 1409391]BCN20197292 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2020-11-11.pdf.PDF
- [20 1423585]BCN20197292 - Application Original - Code Compliance Certificate - B-011 and supporting documents - 2020-11-16.MSG
- [20 1435079]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance - Vetting - SOC Report - 2020-11-18.DOCX
- [20 1435633]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance - Code Compliance Findings - B-203 - ACCEPTED.DOCX
- [20 1443046]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance - Construction Statement - PS3 - Cladding and ROW - External Plastering - 2020-11-19.MSG
- [20 1452660]RMA20201869 s223s224 Application.MSG
- [20 1460538]BCN20197292 - Development Contributions - Invoice.DOCX
- [20 1460560]BCN20197292 - Development Contributions - Invoice.PDF
- [20 1460593]BCN20197292 - Development Contributions - Invoice sent to owner.MSG
- [20 1464407]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance - Inspection Reconciliation - APPROVED.PDF
- [20 1464648]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance Certificate RFI letter.DOCX
- [20 1464699]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance Certificate RFI letter - APPROVED.PDF
- [20 1464708]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance Certificate RFI letter - Emailed.MSG
- [20 1494773]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance - RFI Response.MSG
- [20 1495185]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance - Processing Reconciliation - APPROVED.PDF
- [20 1495271]BCN20197292 - Invoice.DOCX
- [20 1495359]BCN20197292 - Invoice - APPROVED.PDF
- [20 1495444]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance - Invoice Emailed.MSG
- [20 1498644]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance - Proof of Payment.MSG
- [20 1499011]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance Certificate.DOCX
- [20 1499063]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance Certificate - APPROVED.PDF
- [20 1499242]BCN20197292 - Code Compliance Certificate - Emailed.MSG
- [20 586995]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 251 - Foundation or Slab - Unit 1 (Unit 397A) - 2020-05-13 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 586996]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 251 - Foundation or Slab - Unit 2 (Unit 397B) - 2020-05-13 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 586998]BCN20197292 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2020-05-13.pdf.PDF
- [20 668163]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 252 - Drainage - Unit 1 (Unit 397A) - 2020-05-27 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 668165]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 252 - Drainage - Unit 2 (Unit 397B) - 2020-05-27 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 668173]BCN20197292 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2020-05-27.pdf.PDF
- [20 764661]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 217 - Pre Roof - Unit 1 (Unit 397A) - 2020-06-22 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 764662]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 217 - Pre Roof - Unit 2 (Unit 397B) - 2020-06-22 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 764663]BCN20197292 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2020-06-22.pdf.PDF
- [20 850759]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 253 - Pre Cladding - Unit 1 (Unit 397A) - 2020-07-09 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 850760]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 253 - Pre Cladding - Unit 2 (Unit 397B) - 2020-07-09 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 850764]BCN20197292 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2020-07-09.pdf.PDF
- [20 890072]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 214 - Pre Plaster Exterior (Monolithic Cladding) - Unit 1 (Unit 397A) - 2020-07-20 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 890073]BCN20197292 - Inspection - 214 - Pre Plaster Exterior (Monolithic Cladding) - Unit 2 (Unit 397B) - 2020-07-20 - Pass.pdf.PDF
- [20 890078]BCN20197292 - Inspection - Site Notice - 2020-07-20.pdf.PDF
- /Deadline Documents/
- =?UTF-8?Q?Deadline_Authority_=E2=80=93_Addendum_to_Agency_Agreement=2Epdf?=
- Buying or Selling _ REA GUIDE.pdf
- Guide to buying by Deadline Sale.pdf
- Multiple Offer Presentation.pdf
- Passing over Disclaimer.pdf
- Pre-Deadline Sale Process.pdf
- Registration of Interest Deadline Sale.pdf
Property Description
ENQUIRIRES OVER $549,000This contemporary HOME offers the perfect blend of style, comfort, and easy living. Built in 2020, the HOME features immaculate finishes and thoughtful design throughout, ensuring a modern lifestyle that meets all your needs.
Inside the HOME boasts three spacious bedrooms, offering plenty of room for families or professionals alike. The family bathroom is modern and well-appointed, and a separate toilet provides added convenience. The open-plan kitchen, living, and dining area creates a seamless flow, ideal for both everyday living and entertaining guests. Natural light floods these areas, enhancing the sense of space and creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
Practicality is the key aspect of 397a Breezes Road, featuring an internal garage, providing secure off-street parking, while a separate laundry adds further ease to daily tasks. The private outdoor area offers a peaceful retreat, perfect for relaxing after a busy day or entertaining in a more intimate setting.
With this modern HOME you’re guaranteed a contemporary, low-maintenance lifestyle that will make everyday living a pleasure. Don’t miss out on this opportunity—contact us today or come along to one of our open homes!
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2. No representation is made by the agent or the Vendor(s) as to the accuracy, or to the reliability, of any information made available to the customers.
3. The customer will seek such advice and explanation the customer may require from an independent specialist of their choosing.
4. Should the purchaser decide not to obtain their own specialist advice, they are deemed to have satisfied themselves on all aspects of the property and are buying solely in reliance on their own judgement and contrary to the recommendation of the agent.
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Contact Kurt Polson
Home Christchurch Limited
Licensed REAA 2008
027 465 6797 027 465 6797 kurt@homechch.co.nz All Listings
Focused, committed, all-round nice guy! Kurt brings a fresh approach to Real Estate, after working as a Personal Training for over 8 years, Kurt’s dedication and passion for the end result comes to life throughout his real estate journey. In his first year he teamed up with Eddie and learnt the dos and don’ts in the business.
Kurt’s passion is contagious and from the moment you meet him you instinctively know he will do all he can to help his clients reach their property goals. With the can-do attitude and a track record to back it up – Kurt’s the guy you want on your side when it comes to down to earth real estate.
Contact Eddie Spry
Home Christchurch Limited
Licensed REAA 2008
021 156 5884 021 156 5884 eddie@homechch.co.nz All Listings
Eddie has a wealth of knowledge in the industry, from sales, auctioneering to business ownership Eddie knows the ins and outs of the real estate world. He is passionate about what he does and how he conducts himself, putting the client first above all else.
His quick actions and smart thinking put’s him above the rest of the industry, helping buyers and sellers secure their dreams with a smile on his face at all times. Driven by results and the well-being of his clients keeps him striving to be his best, so everyone can have a the real estate experience they so truly deserve.